EdTech Leader, Jena Draper, Joins itopia as Chief Innovation Officer
itopia announces new innovations in cloud and cybersecurity solutions for education with the addition of Jena Draper as Chief Innovation Officer.
itopia announces new innovations in cloud and cybersecurity solutions for education with the addition of Jena Draper as Chief Innovation Officer.
Closing “App Gap” in K-12 Education, itopia Wins Google Cloud Industry Solutions – Tech Partner of the Year for Education Award
Industry experts and educators discussed how drones, robotics, virtual reality and other tech can prepare students to meet future industry demands.
Check out the new edtech tools and digital resources on display at this year’s FETC
The Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) is one of the largest technology conferences hosted in the U.S. designed to redefine technology in K-12 education. District and school IT leaders, educators, and administrators gathered at this January 2022 event to discuss innovative solutions that transform the ways students learn in the classroom.