Cloud workspaces for hybrid work teams
Enable the working paradigm that the new generation of employees demands
At last. Low cost, easy to maintain computing that works for everyone.
Quick to Deploy
With cloud native streaming, quickly configure, deploy, and manage cloud workspaces that give every worker secure access to critical apps
Increase Employee Productivity
Employees become more productive with an entire computing experience in their browsers -- anywhere, anytime.
Cost Efficient
Deliver a great worker experience with a solution that automatically right-sizes cloud resources to your workers' needs.
Easy for IT to deploy and maintain

Centralize Management
Sysadmins can manage global deployments at any scale from a single browser-based console with simplified, automated tools.

WorkAnywhere Overview
Use wizards to rapidly set up workspaces in virtual environments from Google Cloud and Microsoft RDS/Windows

Easy to Customize
Virtual environments can be customized with a few clicks from a unified control panel in the browser.

Flexible Orchestration
Orchestrate computing resource delivery with simple business logic, and dynamically power them on and off for peak resource preservation by schedule or logon/logoff.

Quick Administration
With itopia, golden images are adaptable and flexible constructs, easily and quickly managed through a single console.
Workers enjoy a one-click login to their app session via their unique URL or RDP client