itopia News
Local Environment-as-Code: Is It Possible Yet?
In the past decade, we’ve seen the rise, standardization and meme-ification of “as code”: Infrastructure-as-Code, Monitoring-as-Code, Policy-as-Code and soon perhaps Data-as-Code.
Seeing is Believing and the Return of In-Person EdTech Events
As the pandemic restrictions ease, in-person EdTech events are starting to return. Here are a few takeaways regarding our experiences at EdTech conferences at the beginning of 2022.
27 digital tools and edtech resources from FETC
Check out the new edtech tools and digital resources on display at this year’s FETC
In case you missed FETC this year, here are some highlights!
The Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC) is one of the largest technology conferences hosted in the U.S. designed to redefine technology in K-12 education. District and school IT leaders, educators, and administrators gathered at this January 2022 event to discuss innovative solutions that transform the ways students learn in the classroom.
Innovation Takeaways from SADA’s ISV Alliance Partner Panel
Learn more about how itopia enables companies with globally distributed workforces to deliver secure access to their apps.
Cognosante stays nimble with rapid expansion of HIPAA-compliant cloud deployment
itopia has engaged with healthcare technology transformation provider Cognosante, to deploy virtual desktops and apps on Google Cloud for its remote, contact center quality assurance workforce.