Reimagine Windows
Labs with Virtual
Apps for Distance

Solve the “App Gap” and make high-tech education accessible for all

Virtual apps enable schools of any budget to deliver high performance learning experiences from anywhere.
Students can launch Adobe Creative Cloud, AutoCAD, SolidWorks, MATLAB, and more — all from a secure browser.

Leverage Chromebooks, institute BYOD, or repurpose existing hardware. Access Windows apps on any device with the speed and reliability of Google Cloud’s leading network.

itopia helps schools deliver virtual curricula to students no matter where they’re learning from — whether it be in school or at home. With virtual apps, students enjoy a consistent, secure, and cost-effective distance learning experience.

Enjoy centralized management and slash IT costs

Manage any number of classrooms, labs, and schools from itopia’s unified, wizard-based console. Our intuitive platform makes it easy for anyone to push updates to apps or onboard new students.

No more endpoint management. With itopia, you can control all your student’s apps, files, and permissions — all stored securely in your school’s Google Cloud project.

Only pay for what you need. Shift from costly, CapEx-intensive on-site Windows labs and harness the efficiency and scalability of the cloud.

Iowa City Schools logo

Success Story

“Because itopia has a management console, managing the environment is straightforward. You’re not doing everything with patchwork of other products behind the scenes, or encountering the steep learning curve that we encountered with Citrix. With itopia, our sysadmin doesn’t have to have specialized training to manage the environment.”

 – Adam Kurth, Director of Technology and Innovation

Unlock tremendous value with intuitive automation

itopia simplifies management. Tier 1 sysadmins can easily deploy Windows 10 and Windows Server VDI environments on Google Cloud across multiple regions — all from a single, unified console in the browser.

Easy segmentation of classrooms, labs, and schools with custom images of apps. One-click onboarding of students and faculty with centralized management.

Intelligently autoscale compute resources up and down for optimal performance. Automatically power VMs on and off to match real-time student demand. With the OpEx model of the cloud, you only pay for what you need, when you need it.

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itopia + Google Cloud

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