4 Key Advantages of Google Cloud Platform for Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

When it’s time to migrate your VDI to the cloud, there’s one critical consideration that is surprisingly overlooked: the underlying cloud platform.

Many IT leaders are focused on the benefits of transforming VDI
workloads into Desktop as a Service (DaaS) delivered from the cloud. They know that DaaS can streamline IT operations, eliminate capital expenditures, enhance security, and drive down costs.

Find out why Google Cloud beats other hyper-scale cloud providers when it comes to:

  1. Performance
  2. Security
  3. Network Reliability
  4. Hybrid & Multi-Cloud Compatibility

You’ll also learn why itopia is Google Cloud’s preferred, enterprise-grade DaaS solution. itopia’s automation gets VDI workloads up and running on Google Cloud within minutes, while eliminating manual day-to-day labor and slashing compute costs. With itopia’s end-to-end orchestration platform for virtual desktop and app environments, businesses can reduce TCO by up to 40% compared to other solutions.

"The pandemic brought the critical need to mobilize our workforce to ensure the safety of our team while also supporting the business continuity needs of our clients. Working with itopia quickly and securely enabled our team members to remain connected with customers as we rapidly scaled our work from home capabilities."

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Google Cloud Platform stands out as the superior cloud network for hosting virtual desktops and apps. Fill out the form to receive a PDF download of our white paper.

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